Sandra James Designer

Nombre de usuario: Csandra
Imprimiendo en 3D desde: September 2013
I created my first stereolithograpy (.stl) file in 2013. I watched a series of Tinkercad tutorials and made a red drain filter for my bathtub. I learned about all this at the Chicago Public Library. Motorola was sponsoring a maker lab at the library which contained a few 3D printers and other maker
I created my first stereolithograpy (.stl) file in 2013. I watched a series of Tinkercad tutorials and made a red drain filter for my bathtub. I learned about all this at the Chicago Public Library. Motorola was sponsoring a maker lab at the library which contained a few 3D printers and other maker machines. Over a year’s time, I made drain filters, a blender cup replacement, and drawer pull files that I paid to have printed at the library. Later, my files were printed by 3D Hubs and Shapeways. I bought a RepRap Prusa i3 in November of 2016.
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