Ezipion Digital Store Designer

Nombre de usuario: Ezipion Digital Store
Imprimiendo en 3D desde: September 2019
My name is Israel (Ezipion) and I have been creating miniatures for longer than I can remember. I have sculpted more miniatures and worked for more companies than I can remember (Games Workshop, Mantic, Freebooter, Wyrd, Last Sword, Star Player, etc, etc ...). ​ Since I learned the rudiments of digi
My name is Israel (Ezipion) and I have been creating miniatures for longer than I can remember. I have sculpted more miniatures and worked for more companies than I can remember (Games Workshop, Mantic, Freebooter, Wyrd, Last Sword, Star Player, etc, etc ...). ​ Since I learned the rudiments of digital sculpture I have come to understand that in this medium I can create anything that emerges from my imagination without restrictions based on molds, reproduction materials or even market demands. ​ Welcome to the best of myself. Come in, enjoy and help me to continue creating the best for all of us who love this wonderful hobby. Check the preview of my next Kickstarter here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/holycompany/holy-company-of-fisterra-stl-files-by-ezipion?ref=7hvhhk&token=edc4bacc
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