Abby Brown

Nombre de usuario: abbymath
Imprimiendo en 3D desde: March 2017
I am a high school math teacher and 3D printing hobbyist. I have been 3D printing since 2017 and enjoy making things for my classes and my own children and home in San Diego, California, USA.

I design with Mathematica, CorelDRAW, Fusion 360, and Tinkercad. I love my MakerGear M3-ID Rev. 1 and my Pa
I am a high school math teacher and 3D printing hobbyist. I have been 3D printing since 2017 and enjoy making things for my classes and my own children and home in San Diego, California, USA.

I design with Mathematica, CorelDRAW, Fusion 360, and Tinkercad. I love my MakerGear M3-ID Rev. 1 and my Palette 2S Pro. I have a Monoprice Mini as well.
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