Max Sterling Designer

Username: Max Sterling
Fueled by massive amounts of custom roasted, properly ground coffee brewed at the correct temperature and PSI I spend my days trying to convince my wife that I can print anything she needs. The reply, well we don't need to print that because we can buy it for $0.10 at the store. I just laugh it off
Fueled by massive amounts of custom roasted, properly ground coffee brewed at the correct temperature and PSI I spend my days trying to convince my wife that I can print anything she needs. The reply, well we don't need to print that because we can buy it for $0.10 at the store. I just laugh it off then drop my head down and trundle back to the lab as she is unfortunately correct as always. That being said I'm new to the game but not new to 3d design. Making video game models and scenes for FX isn't the same as making functional prints that work. Getting digital calipers and understanding the basics of design has super helped + the massive community that is out there (i'm looking at you reddit).
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